The Wind Rips Off My Roots – An Evening with Afghan Poetry
Litteratur på Blå invites you to an evening with the Afghan poet Mariam Meetra. The poet lives with her family in exile in Berlin. At the event, Meetra will meet poet ariel rosé for a talk about Meetra’s experience, her home country and current place of residence. How does it all affect her life, especially her poetry and writing?
This event is a special opportunity to hear a sample of Meetra’s poems in translation to Norwegian by ariel rosé and Aina Villanger.
The conversation will be in English.
Doors open: 7 p.m. (19.00)
Conversation starts: 7.30 p.m. (19.30)
ID: 18
CC: 50 kr
Mariam Meetra, a poet, journalist, and researcher, was born in 1992 in Afghanistan. She earned a bachelor's degree in journalism and a master's in sociology from the Humboldt University of Berlin. She is currently a researcher at the University of Leipzig and previously worked as the Persian literary curator for Deutsche Welle and the Beethovenfest in Bonn. The poet and women's rights activist is a member of Afghanistan PEN. Her first poetry collection, "Life on the Margin," was published in Persian in Kabul in 2013. She has written articles for several German newspapers and magazines, including Tagesspiegel and Die Horen. "Ich habe den Zorn des Windes gesehen" is her second collection of poems in Persian and German and was published in 2023 by Wallstein Publication House in Germany.
ariel rosé (they/them), poet, illustrator, essayist, translator originally from Poland, resident of Norway. Author of a poetry book with illustrations Północ Przypowieści, Znak 2019 (North Parables) and morze nocą jest mięśniem serca, PIW 2022 (the sea at night is a muscle of the heart), nominated to the Orpheus Award. They co-create the international project Both Sides of the Border Face East with a focus on Eastern/Central Europe, under the patronage of Marci Shore. This year's edition is dedicated to the war in Ukraine.